Male technician writing a work report

Troubleshooting Common Refrigerator Problems: Keeping Your Cool

Your refrigerator is a vital appliance in your home, tirelessly working to keep your food fresh and your beverages cold. However, like all appliances, it can encounter problems from time to time. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some common refrigerator problems and provide troubleshooting steps to help you identify and possibly resolve these issues without the need for professional assistance.

1. Refrigerator Isn’t Cooling Properly:

Possible Causes:

– Dirty condenser coils.

– Blocked air vents.

– Damaged door gaskets.

– Temperature settings.

Troubleshooting Steps:

– Unplug the refrigerator and vacuum the condenser coils on the back or underneath. This improves cooling efficiency.

– Ensure the air vents inside the fridge and freezer are not obstructed by food items.

– Check the condition of the door gaskets. Replace if they are worn or damaged.

– Verify that the temperature settings are appropriately adjusted.

2. Leaking Water Inside or Outside the Fridge:

Possible Causes:

– Clogged defrost drain.

– Damaged or loose water supply line.

– Defective ice maker.

– Temperature settings.

Troubleshooting Steps:

– If water is pooling inside the fridge, inspect and clear the defrost drain, usually located at the back or bottom of the freezer.

– Check the water supply line for leaks or loose connections.

– Examine the ice maker for any visible issues. Replace the ice maker unit if necessary.

– Confirm that the refrigerator’s temperature settings are correctly set, as excess humidity can lead to condensation.

3. Unusual Noises:

Possible Causes:

– Noisy evaporator fan.

– Loose components.

– Clogged or frozen defrost drain.

Troubleshooting Steps:

– Locate the source of the noise, which may require removing the rear or bottom panel.

– If it’s the evaporator fan, try cleaning or replacing it.

– Tighten any loose components or screws.

– For unusual sounds due to a clogged or frozen defrost drain, consult the owner’s manual for specific instructions on addressing the issue.

4. Ice Buildup in Freezer:

Possible Causes:

– Blocked vents.

– Faulty defrost system.

– Poor door sealing.

Troubleshooting Steps:

– Ensure there are no obstructions blocking the vents inside the freezer.

– Inspect the defrost system, including the defrost timer, heater, and thermostat, for any defects. Replace if necessary.

– Check the integrity of the door gaskets. If they are not sealing properly, replace them.

5. Fridge is Running Constantly:

Possible Causes:

– Dirty condenser coils.

– Blocked vents.

– Excessive warm food added to the refrigerator.

Troubleshooting Steps:

– Clean the condenser coils and ensure they have proper airflow.

– Make sure there are no obstructions blocking the vents.

– Allow warm food items to cool to room temperature before placing them in the refrigerator to reduce the load on the appliance.

6. Ice Maker Not Producing Ice:

Possible Causes:

– Water supply issues.

– Faulty water inlet valve.

– Ice maker switch or sensor problems.

Troubleshooting Steps:

– Verify that the water supply is connected and turned on.

– Check the water inlet valve for any clogs or malfunctions.

– Consult the refrigerator’s manual to diagnose and fix ice maker switch or sensor problems.

7. Fridge Door Not Sealing Properly:

Possible Causes:

– Dirty or damaged door gaskets.

– Misaligned door.

Troubleshooting Steps:

– Clean the gaskets with warm, soapy water, and check for tears or deformities. Replace if necessary.

– Adjust the door alignment to ensure a proper seal. This may require tightening or loosening door screws.

By following these troubleshooting steps for common refrigerator problems, you can often identify and potentially resolve issues without the need for professional repair. However, if you encounter problems that are beyond your expertise or the issues persist, it’s best to consult a professional appliance repair technician to ensure your fridge remains in good working order.


Winter Appliance Maintenance: Keep Your Appliances Running Smoothly

Winter is not just a season of cozy nights by the fire; it’s also a time when your appliances need some extra TLC to cope with the cold. Cold temperatures, increased energy consumption, and holiday cooking can all take a toll on your appliances. In this blog post, we’ll discuss essential winter maintenance tips for your refrigerator, freezer, washer, dryer, dishwasher, oven, and cooktop to ensure they stay in tip-top shape throughout the chillier months.

1. Refrigerator and Freezer:

a. Check Temperature Settings: Lower the temperature settings slightly in winter to account for warmer ambient temperatures in your home.

b. Vacuum the Coils: Dust and dirt on the condenser coils can reduce efficiency. Vacuum them to maintain proper cooling.

c. Inspect Door Seals: Ensure the seals on your refrigerator and freezer doors are intact and provide a tight seal to prevent cold air loss.

2. Washer and Dryer:

a. Inspect Hoses: Examine the water supply hoses for your washing machine for signs of wear, and replace if necessary.

b. Clean Lint Traps: In winter, your dryer works harder. Clean the lint trap before every load to prevent overworking your dryer.

c. Inspect Dryer Vent: Ensure the dryer vent is clear of lint buildup to reduce the risk of fire and improve dryer efficiency.

3. Dishwasher:

a. Clean the Filter: Remove and clean the dishwasher filter regularly to maintain optimal water flow and washing performance.

b. Run Hot Water First: Before starting the dishwasher, run hot water in your kitchen sink to ensure the water is hot from the beginning.

4. Oven and Cooktop:

a. Check for Leaks: If you have a gas oven or cooktop, check for gas leaks. You should contact a professional for assistance if you smell gas.

b. Clean Burners and Drip Pans: Clean burners and drip pans to prevent uneven heating and potential fire hazards.

5. General Tips for All Appliances:

a. Keep Appliances Warm: Avoid placing appliances in unheated areas like garages. Colder temperatures can strain the appliance and reduce efficiency.

b. Maintain a Steady Temperature: Fluctuations in temperature can affect appliance performance. Keep your home at a consistent temperature to avoid overworking your appliances.

c. Consider Insulation: For refrigerators and freezers kept in garages or other cold areas, consider insulating them to help them maintain the right temperature.

d. Replace Worn Parts: Winter is a good time to check appliances for worn-out or damaged parts, like gaskets or seals, and replace them as needed.

e. Energy-Efficient Appliances: Consider upgrading to energy-efficient appliances, as they are often better at maintaining consistent temperatures and can save you money in the long run.

Proper winter maintenance for your appliances is essential for their longevity and efficiency. By following these tips, you can reduce energy consumption, prevent unexpected breakdowns, and ensure your appliances are ready to handle the demands of winter, from holiday cooking to extra laundry loads. A little care now can go a long way in extending the life of your valuable appliances.


Dryer Safety Tips and Maintenance: Preventing Fire Hazards

Your trusty dryer is a true workhorse, making laundry day a breeze. However, like all appliances, it requires proper care and attention to ensure safety and optimal performance.

Dryer fires are more common than you might think, and they can be devastating. In this blog post, we’ll share crucial dryer safety tips and maintenance guidelines to help you reduce the risk of fire hazards and keep your dryer running smoothly.

  1. Regularly Clean the Lint Filter:

Before each load, remove and clean the lint filter. Lint buildup can obstruct airflow, causing your dryer to overheat.

  1. Clean the Dryer Vent Pipe:

Periodically, disconnect the dryer from the wall and clean the vent pipe thoroughly. This is where lint and debris often accumulate, posing a fire risk.

  1. Inspect the Vent Hood:

Check the vent hood outside your home. Ensure it opens and closes properly and is free of obstructions like bird nests or debris.

  1. Avoid Overloading the Dryer:

Overloading the dryer can lead to overheating and longer drying times. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for load size.

  1. Use Rigid or Semi-Rigid Venting Material:

Flexible venting material can trap lint more easily. Opt for rigid or semi-rigid venting to reduce lint buildup.

  1. Ensure Proper Installation:

Make sure your dryer is installed correctly, with the venting system set up according to local building codes and manufacturer instructions.

  1. No Flammable Materials:

Never put items like rubber, foam, or plastic in the dryer, as they can ignite at high temperatures.

  1. Stay Home While Drying:

Avoid leaving the house while the dryer is running. If a fire were to start, you’d want to respond quickly.

  1. Regular Professional Maintenance:

Schedule an annual professional inspection of your dryer and venting system. A technician can identify and address potential issues.

10. Replace Old or Damaged Components:

If you notice signs of wear, damage, or malfunction, such as frayed cords or strange noises, replace or repair the parts promptly.

11. Keep the Area Around the Dryer Clear:

Store flammable materials, like cleaning supplies, away from the dryer to reduce the risk of fire spreading.

12. Install a Smoke Detector Nearby:

Place a smoke detector in the laundry room or near the dryer to provide an early warning in case of a fire.

13. Teach Family Members Dryer Safety:

Ensure everyone in your household understands the importance of dryer safety and knows how to respond in case of an emergency.

By following these dryer safety tips and performing regular maintenance, you can greatly reduce the risk of dryer-related fires and keep your appliance running smoothly. Remember, safety should always be a top priority when using any household appliance, and a little preventative care can go a long way in protecting your home and family.


10 Essential Dishwasher Tips for Sparkling Clean Dishes

A dishwasher is a modern marvel that saves us time and effort when it comes to cleaning dishes. However, to ensure its optimal performance and get those dishes sparkling clean, there are a few tips and tricks that can make a significant difference. In this blog post, we’ll share ten essential dishwasher tips that will help you achieve consistently excellent results while prolonging the life of your appliance.

Scrape Off Excess Food: Before loading your dishes, it’s important to scrape off large food particles. While dishwashers are designed to handle some food residue, excessive chunks can clog filters and compromise the washing process.

Proper Loading: Arrange your dishes strategically for optimal water circulation. Place larger and dirtier items like pots and pans along the sides or in the back, and ensure that smaller items are securely positioned in the racks.

Avoid Overcrowding: While it might be tempting to cram in as many dishes as possible, overcrowding can prevent water and detergent from reaching every surface. This can lead to uneven cleaning results.

Use the Right Detergent: Choose a high-quality dishwasher detergent that’s compatible with your dishwasher model. Be cautious with the amount; using more detergent than necessary doesn’t necessarily lead to cleaner dishes and might leave behind residue.

Check Water Temperature: Make sure your dishwasher is set to use hot water. Hot water is essential for effectively dissolving grease and food particles and ensuring a thorough cleaning cycle.

Prefer Energy-Saving Mode: Many modern dishwashers offer an energy-saving mode. This extends the cycle time but uses less water and energy. It’s a great option for lightly soiled dishes and can help reduce utility bills.

Utilize Rinse Aid: Rinse aid helps to prevent water spots and ensures that your dishes dry properly. It’s especially useful for glassware and plastic items prone to spotting.

Maintain Filters: Regularly clean and maintain the dishwasher’s filters. These filters capture food particles and debris, and if they’re clogged, they can hinder the cleaning process. Consult your dishwasher’s manual for guidance on how to clean the filters.

Clean the Interior: Give the interior of your dishwasher a thorough clean every once in a while. Wipe down the walls, racks, and door gasket to remove any accumulated grime or detergent buildup.

Regular Maintenance: Every few months, run an empty dishwasher cycle with a dishwasher cleaner. This helps to remove any lingering odors, mineral deposits, and buildup from the interior of the appliance.

With these ten essential dishwasher tips, you’re well-equipped to keep your dishes consistently spotless and your dishwasher performing at its best. Remember that proper loading, maintenance, and using the right detergents are key factors in achieving sparkling results. By incorporating these tips into your dishwashing routine, you’ll not only save time and energy but also enjoy the convenience of beautifully clean dishes after every cycle.


Troubleshooting Tips for Common Refrigerator Problems


Having a functional refrigerator is essential for keeping our food fresh and safe. However, like any other appliance, refrigerators can encounter issues from time to time. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the most common refrigerator problems and provide step-by-step troubleshooting tips to get your fridge back in top working condition.


What is the most common issue with refrigerators?

The most common issue with refrigerators is inadequate cooling or improper temperature regulation. A refrigerator failing to maintain the right temperature can lead to food spoilage and potential health risks. Understanding and addressing this problem is crucial for ensuring the longevity and efficiency of your refrigerator.


Common problems with refrigerators not cooling:

1. Dirty Condenser Coils: Dust and debris can accumulate on the condenser coils located at the back or bottom of the fridge, hindering proper heat dissipation and causing cooling problems.

2. Faulty Evaporator Fan: The evaporator fan circulates cold air throughout the refrigerator. If this fan malfunctions, the fridge may not cool uniformly.

3. Damaged Door Gasket: The rubber gasket lining the refrigerator door keeps the cold air inside. A damaged or loose gasket can lead to air leaks and insufficient cooling.

4. Defective Thermostat: The thermostat controls the refrigerator’s cooling cycle. A faulty thermostat may cause erratic temperature changes or prevent the fridge from cooling altogether.

5. Clogged or Frozen Drain Tube: A clogged or frozen drain tube can lead to water buildup in the fridge and hinder proper cooling.


What would cause a refrigerator to stop getting cold?

Several factors can cause a refrigerator to stop getting cold:

1. Power Supply Issues: Ensure the refrigerator is receiving power and that the electrical outlet is functional.

2. Compressor Problems: The compressor is the heart of the cooling system. If it’s faulty or not working correctly, the fridge won’t cool.

3. Refrigerant Leak: A refrigerant leak can significantly impact the cooling process, leading to insufficient cooling.

4. Thermistor Malfunction: The thermistor monitors the temperature and signals the compressor to start or stop. A malfunctioning thermistor can disrupt the cooling cycle.

5. Clogged Air Vents: Blocked air vents can restrict the flow of cold air, affecting the fridge’s cooling capacity.


How do I reset my refrigerator compressor?

Resetting the refrigerator compressor may help resolve certain cooling issues. Here’s a general procedure to reset the compressor:

1. Unplug the refrigerator from the electrical outlet and wait for about 5-10 minutes.

2. Plug the refrigerator back in.

3. Locate the temperature control panel or display on your fridge (it may vary depending on the model).

4. Set the refrigerator to the desired cooling level.

5. Wait for the compressor to kick in, indicating that it’s working correctly.

It’s important to note that while a compressor reset may fix some problems, persistent cooling issues may require professional attention.



Refrigerator problems can be frustrating, but with the right troubleshooting tips, you can often identify and resolve the issues on your own. Remember to prioritize safety, and if you encounter complex problems or feel uncertain about troubleshooting, don’t hesitate to seek help from a qualified appliance repair technician. Regular preventive maintenance can also go a long way in keeping your refrigerator running smoothly for years to come.


How to Make the Most of Your Ice Maker This Summer

Keep the Ice Flowing at Home with These Appliance Care Tips

Summer has arrived, which means the ice maker in your refrigerator or freezer is about to go into overdrive. From summer parties to packing the cooler and icing down your coffee on a hot day, having a working ice maker is key to having a great time all season long. But is your appliance up to the job?

Your refrigerator can only make so much ice at a time. And overusing your appliance or not maintaining it over time can cause it to break down at a moment’s notice, which will bring your summer fun to a halt.

So, what can you do to prepare your ice maker for the hottest months of the year? Use our ice making tips to keep your beverages cool.

Keep Your Fridge Cool

The ambient temperature of the room has a big effect on your appliances’ ability to make ice. Keeping the room where your refrigerator or freezer is stored nice and cool will speed up the ice making process because the appliance won’t have to work as hard to freeze the ice. If the temperature of the space surpasses 100 degrees Fahrenheit, the fridge may stop producing ice altogether. Check the temperature of your home regularly, including the kitchen or basement, to make sure your appliances are safe from the heat.

Give Your Ice Make Room to Breathe

You can’t make ice in a vacuum. The appliance needs a steady supply of fresh cool air to freeze the water. If your fridge doesn’t have access to air, your ice supply will melt away.

Consider moving the appliance to give it more room to suck in fresh air. Locate the air vent on the fridge, which is usually located on the back by the coils. Push the back a few inches from the wall to increase the air flow. Keep it away from hot surfaces, including the stove or oven, so the machine doesn’t have to work as hard to make the ice.
If the temperature is comfortable, open a window to let more air into the room. Avoid leaving your fridge or ice maker in a tight corner or confined space where the air can get stale.

Clean the Ice Maker

Nothing will slow down your ice maker like a clogged water filter or a dirty water pump. All kinds of debris can sneak inside your home’s water system, which can then clog up your refrigerator or freezer. The pipes in your appliances are only as clean as the water going into it. Be sure to change out the water filter on your fridge at the recommended intervals to increase the flow. This will also improve the taste of your ice and drinking water.

You can also have a professional clean out the inside of your ice maker to start off the season on the right foot. If your machine isn’t making ice as fast as it used to, this will help you get back up to speed. The repairperson or technician will take apart the ice maker and clean it inside and out.

Contact the professionals at Absolute Appliance Repair in San Francisco to have one of our technicians service your ice maker today, so you can have the best summer ever.


How to Keep Your Frozen Food Chill All Summer Long

Use These Tips to Keep Your Freezer Going Strong This Season

Life is about to get a lot hotter for millions of Americans with summer on the way. Temperatures are rising across the country and that can have a negative affect on your home appliances, including your freezer. This humble machine keeps your food fresh for months, if not years, on end. It’s also responsible for icing down your drinks when just about everything outside is hot to the touch. If your freezer could use a tune-up, keep these tips in mind to keep your food and liquids frozen all season long.

Clean the Coils Regularly

Your fridge/freezer uses the coils in the back to insulate your food from warm temperatures. The coils are there to cool down the interior of the appliance. The coolant flows through the coils, so it can divert the heat and turn it into a gas before moving it back through the coils.

If the coils can’t cool down properly, your fridge will have to go into overtime to keep your food cold. When temperatures are rising, clean the coils regularly to let the appliance get rid of excess heat. Pull the appliance a few inches from the wall to increase the airflow.

You can use warm water with soap or a cleaning solution to get the dust and dirt off the coils but make sure the fridge has been turned off.

Get Rid of Permafrost

Even the best freezers can fill with permafrost and haphazard ice sculptures from time to time. A little extra ice in the icebox may not sound like a big deal, but it actually makes it harder for your appliance to do its job. The cold air won’t be able to circulate throughout the interior. You also won’t have as much room to store your frozen food.
Ice tends to build up in the freezer when outside temperatures start to rise. Before summer gets into full swing, spend some time thawing out the inside of your freezer by turning up the internal temperature and leaving the door open. You’ll need to take everything out, but your freezer will be cleaner and colder all season long.

Keep It Full (and Organized)

You’re bound to use your freezer a lot in the summer as a way of escaping the heat. Keeping it well stocked will help the appliance keep the interior cold for months on end. The more frozen items there are in the freezer, the colder the interior will be. When storing items in your freezer, keep them sealed and organized to avoid making a mess. Get rid of excess air when sealing food inside bags. Use durable containers that are freezer-safe to keep your food and liquids where they belong.

If your freezer could use a tune-up before summer, contact Absolute Appliance Repair in San Rafeal to schedule your appointment today!


Refrigerator Spring Cleaning

Get Your Fridge Ready for Warm Weather with These Spring Cleaning Tips

Temperatures are rising, the flowers are blooming, and that means your refrigerator and freezer will need to work a lot harder to keep your food cold. But your appliance may need some repair before the height of summer arrives. Spring cleaning applies to your major appliances just like any other part of your home. Cleaning your refrigerator regularly can help you improve the quality and taste of your food and increase energy efficiency. Use these cleaning tips to get your refrigerator in shape for warmer weather.

Clean Out the Contents

It’s best to start by taking all of the food out of your refrigerator, so you can clean the interior. Place the food on a waterproof counter or on a towel to absorb the condensation. This gives you a chance to pull out the drawers and shelves in your fridge. Put them in the sink and wash them by hand with warm, soapy water. Dry them off with a towel before sliding them back into place. Don’t keep refrigerated food at room temperature for more than two hours or it could start to spoil.

Check the Labels

Use this time to go over all the food in your fridge and check the expiration date to make sure everything is safe to eat. All the items in your fridge should be kept in a sealed air-tight container. Wipe down bottles and jars if they have food residue on the outside before putting them back in the fridge.

Seal in the Cold Air

The rubber gasket around the door of your refrigerator and freezer is meant to seal in the cold air. Use warm soapy water to wipe down the seal to keep it flush against the wall of the appliance. Have your gasket repaired if it is cracked or falling off. Otherwise, cold air will escape out of the sides, which will inflate your utility bills.
Wipe Down Walls and Surfaces

Before you put the food back in the fridge, wipe down the interior walls and surfaces with warm soapy water and wipe it clean with a dry towel. Unplug the fridge and let the inside of your freezer defrost to clean the inside of it. Do the same for the outside of your fridge. Use stainless steel cleaner or wipes to clean the exterior of the appliance.

Replace the Water Filter

If your appliance dispenses ice or water, change the water filter according to the manufacturer’s recommendations to keep your water tasting fresh and clean. You’ll need to find the right water filter for your make and model. You can replace the filter yourself if you have the proper instructions or you can contact an appliance repair professional for assistance. The filter is usually on the inside of the fridge. Open the compartment and twist off the filter and twist the new one into place. Lay down towel to catch any excess moisture.

Clean the Coils

Last but not least, clean off the coils that power your fridge to avoid wasting energy. They are usually located on the backside of the fridge or on the bottom where they tend to collect dust, dirt, and other debris. Unplug your appliance if you haven’t done so already and carefully slide it away from the wall to access the coils. Use a steel brush to wipe off the dirt and sweep up any crumbs on the floor.

Your refrigerator will run much more smoothly once you’ve taken these steps. Contact Absolute Appliance Repair in Marin County to have a professional inspect your appliance, so you can keep your food cool all summer long.


Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Oven and Stove

Keep Crumbs and Dirt at Bay All Year Long with This Cleaning Checklist

Spring cleaning isn’t just about reorganizing your closet and donating the items you no longer want to charity. It’s also a time to reflect on all the appliances that power your home, including your oven/stove. Heating up food can be messy, and ovens tend to be magnets for food, grease, stains, and crumbs, all of which can affect the performance of your appliance over time.

It’s best to clean out your oven and stove at least twice a year. Running the self-cleaning cycle might not be enough to protect it from long-term wear and tear. This process heats the oven to nearly 900 degrees Fahrenheit as a way of burning off excess food and grease, but this can also be a fire hazard. You might run it several times only to discover the food is now baked onto the side. Not cleaning your appliance by hand can also leave your food tasting like smoke and ash. You can try cleaning the oven yourself or hire the professionals to prevent it from breaking down entirely. Learn how to clean an oven inside and out, so you can start the season off on the right foot.

Clean Out the Inside

If there are large clumps of food on the inside, try taking them out by hand once the oven is cool. Use oven cleaner to get rid of stuck-on food and grease. Spray it over the stains on the inside of your oven and let it sit for about 30 minutes. Open the window to let in some air as these products can contain hazardous chemicals. Use a sponge or cloth to clean off the grease. Finish the job by using a wet wag to get rid of any chemicals that may still be inside.

Wash the Racks

Take out the racks and wash them with soap and water in the sink. Let them soak for up to 30 minutes when dealing with tough stains. You can wait for them to dry or wipe them with a clean towel before putting them back in the oven. Do the same for your stovetop grates if you are using a gas appliance.

Wash the Glass Door

For glass doors, you can use regular glass cleaner and a microfiber cloth or apply a baking soda mixture to get rid of stuck-on grease.

Wipe Down the Knobs

Use a household cleaning product to wipe down the knobs. Avoid spraying the cleaner directly onto the knobs, as this could damage the electrical circuit.
Clean the Oven Surface

With the grates removed, spray the oven cleaner onto the stove surface and wipe off any stains that have accumulated. Do the same for the sides of your oven and clean up any debris on the floor. Avoid moving your oven as you may disconnect it from the gas line.

Use this time of year to whip your major appliances into shape, so you can enjoy delicious meals all summer long. Contact Absolute Appliance Repair in San Francisco to have your home appliances repaired by a professional.


How to Safely Clean Your Oven

Get Rid of Stuck-on Grease and Residue with These Oven Cleaning Tips

Your oven is one of the hardest-working appliances in your home. It heats up quickly to cook your food inside and out. But ovens are notoriously hard to clean. Crumbs and melted cheese will start to collect on the bottom of your oven, which can be a fire hazard. These particles will continue to burn every time you heat up your appliance, so it’s best to scrape them off as soon as possible. Learn how to properly clean your oven when food starts to appear to keep your appliance in tip-top shape.

Deciding How to Clean an Oven

There are several ways to clean an oven, and many appliances come with a self-cleaning option that sounds too good to be true.

  • Self-Cleaning Ovens

Self-cleaning ovens use extremely high temperatures to burn off food particles until they essentially turn into ash. This can be a safe and effective way to remove debris from the walls and floor of the appliance.

Before you hit the self-cleaning button, be sure to remove any large clumps of food by hand, so these particles don’t catch fire. The extreme heat will only harden these large particles, which could make them harder to remove.

Take out the racks to avoid ruining the metal finish or warping the dimensions. Put your oven racks in the dishwasher or wash them by hand to remove stuck-on grease and food. The self-cleaning process takes several hours to complete.

Keep pets and children away from the oven during this time as it will be extremely hot. You may need to open a window to let the heat escape.

  • Manual Oven Cleaning

If you don’t have a self-cleaning oven or the self-cleaning option doesn’t successfully remove all the food particles, you’ll need to clean your oven by hand. Make sure the oven is off and cool before reaching inside.

Mix a ½ cup of baking soda with warm water until it becomes a smooth paste. Use a clean brush to evenly apply the mixture to the floor of the oven. Combine vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spray it onto the baking soda mixture. This creates a foaming reaction that will dissolve the grease naturally, so you can give your arm a rest. Let the mixture sit overnight or up to 12 hours before wiping up the grease with a clean rag or sponge. Use a multipurpose cleaner and brush to clean the oven door and glass window.

It’s best to let the grime soak instead of using a stiff brush or scraping device to remove stuck-on food particles. If you scrub the bottom of the oven too hard, you risk permanently damaging the finish.

Using the self-cleaning option may not be enough to keep your oven clean. Most people need to clean their ovens by hand at least twice a year to get ride of food crumbs. It’s always easier to clean up food particles when they are still at room temperature compared to those that have burned into a crisp. Keep a rag handy and clean up drips and spills as they occur to avoid having to scrub your oven by hand.

If you’re having trouble removing food from the inside of your oven, schedule a full oven cleaning with the professionals at Absolute Appliance Repair in Marin County.