Entries by G4Developer

Why Is My Refrigerator Making Noise?

You don’t need an expert in San Francisco appliance repair to tell you that the noises that a refrigerator makes during normal operation usually become so familiar to people in the home that eventually, they blend into the background sounds of everyday life at home. However, any variation in those noises are often noticed right […]

Top Reasons Why Your Dryer Takes Too Long to Dry

It’s frustrating doing laundry when everything goes according to plan, but it’s even worse when you go to your dryer to pull your clothes out, reach in, and they’re still damp after an hour.   What’s going on? There are some reasons you can troubleshoot to determine why your dryer is taking forever to do […]

Limit Appliance Repairs with Eco-Friendly Cleaning

It’s no longer true that the “best” cleaning solutions have to be harsh – even toxic – chemical products that overwhelm your senses and cause headaches, breathing problems, and other issues. More people than ever are turning to green cleaners to do more than just keep their appliances shiny. Proper care and maintenance of your […]

How to Prepare for an Appliance Repair Visit in Marin County

One of the most stressful things about owning appliances is what to do when they stop working correctly. Once a problem is discovered, it can be easy to become overwhelmed with thoughts about the appliance repair costs, replacement considerations, inconvenience, and more. Before rushing to call for appliance repair in San Francisco, you may want […]

Tips for Moving Appliances in San Francisco Safely

Whether you’re moving your major household appliances from one room in your home to another or you’re moving them out of the house, onto a truck, and transporting them across the country, there are things that anyone should take note of when moving appliances. Without proper preparation, appliances can easily become damaged, requiring the attention […]

Are You Loading Your Dishwasher Correctly?

Yes, the point of a dishwasher is to free up your time and have something do those dishes for you. However, if you don’t load it properly, your appliance isn’t going to be able to do the job correctly. Many people mistakenly call for appliance repair in San Francisco when their dishes don’t come out […]

Dishwasher Not Getting Those Dishes Clean? Here’s Why

It’s frustrating and disappointing when you come to terms with the fact that your once spectacular dishwasher is no longer getting your dishes as clean as it used to. Your first instinct might be to call for appliance repair in San Francisco, but wait! There are some things you can do that may solve the […]

Top Ways to Fix an Unbalanced Washing Machine

Most people are familiar with the jarring sound of a washer that’s gotten out of balance. The thumping, swooshing, and sometimes grinding noises are unmistakable! Sometimes a quick shift of the clothing in the agitator is all it takes to resolve the issue, but any expert in appliance repair in San Francisco will tell you […]