Are Your Appliances Ready for Summer?
Summer is just about here, and that probably means that use of your kitchen will change a bit – maybe the refrigerator will be opened and closed more times each day as the kids grab snacks, and maybe your oven will be used less than it is during the colder winter months. In celebration of the arrival of summer, you may want to take some time to prepare your appliances for the season ahead, and that means taking a look at each one to see what kind of maintenance each might need.
Are your appliances ready for summer?
- Your Refrigerator: Any time is a great time to do a deep cleaning of the fridge, but just before summer hits, you’ll want to make sure that it’s roomy and ready for fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, and ingredients for meals on the grill. Wash drawers and shelves with warm, soapy water, and wash the walls with a food-safe natural cleaner. Throw out any old or questionable foods, and make sure the thermostat is set to keep everything crisp and fresh. It’s also a good idea to make an appointment with an appliance repair company in the San Francisco area to perform a quick lookover and tune-up on your refrigerator to keep any breakdowns to a minimum!
- Your Cooktop and Oven: What better way to get your kitchen ready for summer than to get that stove and oven nice and clean? Use non-abrasive cleaners and soft sponges for the cooktop, and avoid using your oven’s self-cleaning feature; it may not work well and could result in broken oven parts. Instead, take some time to use your favorite oven cleaner and grime remover to ensure that your appliance is good to go this season. Should you discover that your stove or oven isn’t working right, contact us ASAP to get it working again before summer parties!
- Your Garbage Disposal: Few things stink up a kitchen faster than the heat of summer combined with a full or dirty garbage disposal! Be sure you won’t run into any odor issues from your sink by taking a few minutes and giving the appliance a good cleaning. You can use deodorizers and cleaners that loosen grime in it, but don’t use things like coffee grounds, contrary to popular belief. Those grounds can get stuck in the mechanisms and break your disposal. Try lemon or orange wedges or rinds for a natural scent and natural cleaning power this summer.
- Your Dishwasher: Even though a dishwasher is an appliance that you would expect to be somewhat self-cleaning, it does still require a bit of extra help from you to keep churning out dishes that are clean and sparkling. Check hoses and lines to make sure nothing is kinked, clogged, or cracked, and use a special dishwasher cleaning agent at the start of summer to get your appliance ready for the season. Should you discover anything amiss during your pre-summer inspection, don’t hesitate to call Absolute Appliances Repair for help.
Whether you have big plans for your home over the summer or you’re just planning on going about “life as usual”, should you need any appliance repairs in San Francisco or the surrounding area, give us a call. We’ll be happy to help you make sure all your machines are functioning properly and efficiently to guarantee a great summer with your kitchen. Contact us today for all your appliance preventive maintenance needs, too. We provide a full one-year warranty on parts and labor!