
How to Clean Your Glass Top Stove without Scratching It

We know how much you love your glass stovetop, and at Absolute Appliances Repair in San Francisco, we also know how to help you clean it and take care of it so that you reap many good years of service from it. However, our customers may not know the proper ways to clean it without leaving behind unsightly scratches and evidence of rigorous cleaning, which can not only detract from your stove top’s beauty, but can also eventually compromise its integrity.

Read on to learn the proper ways you can shine up your glass top stove without damaging its strength and beauty.

  1. Wait Until It’s Cooled Down

Don’t remove pans and immediately move to scrubbing. While you may think this will help remove large food particles, it can actually cause unnecessary damage to the surface. When the stove top has cooled, wipe off any large food particles first with a soft cloth. Never use a steel wool pad or other course tool for scraping! While you want to wait for your top to cool before cleaning, you also want to get to it as soon as possible once it’s cooled.


  1. Soak Your Cleaning Cloth

Use a microfiber cloth and soft dish sponge to clean your glass stove top, along with baking soda and a little bowl of hot water with some dish soap stirred in. Soak your cloth in the soapy hot water and while you’re doing that, sprinkle the baking soda onto the surface to be cleaned.


  1. Dribble and Wait

After your microfiber cloth has soaked in the soapy water for a bit, take the cloth and wring out the water onto the stove top. Then, take your cloth and place it right on top of the area(s) to be cleaned. Let the hot water, soap, cloth, and baking soda sit for about 15 minutes to gently lift particles from the stovetop’s surface. For heavily soiled tops, let it soak for about 30 minutes.


  1. Lift and Wipe

Once the allotted time has passed, simply remove the rags from the stove top and wipe away the particles and baking soda. Begin at the top of the glass stovetop and work your way down towards you. Once that is done, take your soft sponge and wipe away any debris that remains. Finish up with a nice soft, dry towel to get rid of any lingering water.


That’s it!

If you need help cleaning your glass top stove in the Mill Valley area, contact our experts for sound advice. You can also count on our professionals in appliance repair in Marin County if you have any issues with your stove, oven, refrigerator, or any other appliances you own. Contact us today and let us know what we can do to help you!


Gas or Electric? Which Stove is the Best Buy?

The Benefits of Gas and Electric Stoves

Something to keep in mind when choosing appliances for your kitchen is that the kitchen will be used on a daily basis for years. This is where you will prepare food and clean your dishes. It will also be one of the largest factors when it comes to how much your energy bill is.

A common choice that has to be made when it comes to a new stove is whether it should be gas or electric. The best choice for you depends on a few things, including whether your home has a gas or electric supply set up; before making the decision, it is important to consider all of the factors of both kinds of appliances.

The Cost

The overall cost difference between gas and electric stoves is something to address at the beginning. The upfront cost of an electric stove is less than a gas stove, but the operating cost of an electric stove is higher. Just how much higher depends on the make and model, the number of burners, and the power capability of each appliance. Be sure to check energy rating tags while you shop and if energy conservation is a priority, look for Energy Star appliances.


Kitchen safety cannot be overstated, and it is important to implement safe appliances into your kitchen. With this in mind, it begs the question: Is an electric stove safer than a gas stove? The answer may be somewhat surprising. In truth, both are safe. Electric stoves run the risk of an electrical fire, while gas stoves run the risk of gas leaks – however, each of these scenarios are extremely rare. In addition, risk of burns is greater with electric stoves because once a burner is turned off, it takes a while to cool down. On the flip side, the risk of accidental gas leaks from gas stove burners is something to be careful of – this can happen if someone accidentally brushes against a knob and turns on the gas without igniting a burner.

Heat Up Time

On days where you want a quick meal, electric stoves aren’t going to be your best bet there. The heat up time for an electric stove takes a few minutes, whereas the gas stove heats up instantly. For electric stoves you are going to want a bit more allotted time to prepare dinner because of the heat up time.

With these few things in mind, the choice is ultimately up to you on which is better because it all depends. If your energy bill is not very high every month, an electric stove may be better than getting a gas stove because you can afford to spend more on electric every month. If you are someone who has to eat on the fly, a gas stove would be better suited for you than an electric stove. It all comes down to which is more convenient and cost-effective for you. If you have any questions regarding gas or electric stove tops, contact us today for more information.


What to do When Your Ice Maker Isn’t Working

Ice Maker Not Working

It can be incredibly frustrating when you go to get some ice to cool down your beverage on a hot day and you come to find out that the ice maker is not working properly. This could happen for a number of reasons, and it helps to know what to troubleshoot in order to determine why it isn’t making ice as it should. First, you need to determine what the ice maker is (or isn’t) doing. Then you can work to fix the issue if you know what is causing it. Following are some of the most common problems people encounter with ice makers:

Ice Cubes are Too Large or Too Small

When this happens, it means that the ice maker may need a simple adjustment. Take the white plate from the frontmost part of the ice maker and underneath the cover, you will find a “plus” and “minus” indicator, along with a spring and screw assembly. To make the cubes smaller, you are going to want to decrease the amount of water per dose. To do this, move the screw towards the “minus” symbol. Perform the task the same way if you need larger cubes, except this time, move the screw towards the “plus” so your cubes can increase in size.

Ice is Not Ejecting

When ice is not coming out of the maker properly and is instead stuck inside the ice mold, this is because the ice maker is getting water inside of it, which may be an electrical or mechanical issue. To avoid this and to be extra mindful of this in the future, watch out when you move things around in the freezer, because you could accidentally bump the control arm out of its intended position, which can prevent ice from flowing out of the maker.

If this happens, find the metal arm on the ice maker and move it back to the “on” position. This will prevent the ice maker from potentially taking on water and creating the ice mold that is preventing ice from ejecting.

The Ice Maker is Making No Ice at All

If you notice that your ice maker is either not making any ice or if it is having a difficult time producing its usual amount of ice, there may be a clog in the waterline. In order to repair the water line, you have to unplug the refrigerator and locate the water shut-off valve. You can typically find it behind the fridge or under your kitchen sink (or even in the location that the fridge’s water line connects to the house water source line). Turn off the valve and get a turkey baster filled with warm water and pour the water directly out over the water line. If you can’t find your turkey baster, you can always use a hair dryer. Whichever is more convenient to use is acceptable, as long as it melts the ice that is clogging the water line!

The only thing more frustrating than knowing your ice maker does not work properly is having it not work at all and not know why. Knowing what is wrong with your ice maker and the potential cause of the issue can help you solve the problem quicker so you can get back to having an ice maker that is functioning properly.

If you have tried finding the reason behind your ice maker not working properly but can’t seem to pinpoint the issue, contact us today. We can help with your appliance repair!

Vital Home Repair Tasks Not to Do Yourself

Vital Home Repair Tasks Not to Do Yourself

Household Repair Tasks for Professionals

When it comes to fixing things around the house, you often have two options: Contact a professional or do it yourself. Many people have the first instinct to want to do it themselves, usually in order to save money – but that doesn’t always work, and can often end up costing even more than what it would have if a professional would’ve been called to begin with.

There are some instances where a professional should be called and it is important to know what some vital home tasks are that you should not do yourself.

Riding Lawn Mower Maintenance

In addition to your vehicle, a riding lawn mower needs to be serviced every year to make sure it is working properly and that there are no issues that are not readily apparent. Having a technician come and take a look at the mower will save you time and money. They are trained to look at every part of the machine to find irregularities that most homeowners wouldn’t spot.

Heating and Cooling System Maintenance

HVAC systems are very intricate because so much goes into keeping your home at the desired temperature. When you notice something has gone awry with your heating or cooling, contact an HVAC technician so they can come and service the system instead of attempting to fix it yourself. Because HVAC systems are so complicated, there are many dangers that could come from trying to fix the issue, like electric shocks. These technicians are trained to be incredibly careful not to harm themselves while servicing HVAC systems, and know how to safely perform the work without causing further damage to the unit.

Roof Replacement and Installation

Whether you are afraid of high places or not, being up on your roof is one of the most unsafe places a person can be. If you are in need of roof replacement and installation, it is best to reach out to an expert, who will take all of the necessary precautions to do the job. Along with being up on a roof not being safe, there is a good chance that if you attempt to do this project yourself you may not get the right amount of materials needed for the job. Allowing a professional to do it will save you money in the long run and will ensure a job this important gets done right.

Window Replacement

Replacing windows may seem like a pretty straightforward task, but there is more to it than just swapping out your old windows. Replacement windows allows your home to be more energy efficient, but figuring out how to make that possible takes elaborate knowledge of the craft. Such windows can also increase the amount of natural light that is allowed inside your house, as well as lessen the amount of noise from the outside. If you attempt to do this yourself, you run the risk of putting in the wrong windows or installing the right windows incorrectly, and that could prove to be a large waste of money and time. You could also cause damage to the windows or to your home, causing a need for more expensive work to be done.

Refrigerator Repairs

Just like any other household appliance, a refrigerator can have any number of issues wrong with it and most of the problems that could occur are not easily visible unless you remove the back facing of the fridge. To prevent further damage to the appliance or prevent you from getting hurt, contacting a technician will be the safest course. They can look through the inner workings of the appliance safely, without causing more issues with the fridge. The chemicals used in appliances like refrigerators are dangerous and require professional proper handling.

There is nothing wrong with making household repairs yourself. There is a sense of accomplishment that is so hard to replicate doing anything else. However, one of the most vital home repair tips is knowing what to fix yourself and what to contact a professional for. Some tasks are either too dangerous or too technical to fix without proper training. Allowing a technician to fix the issue can save you time and money, as well as prevent you from any dangers the task may bring.

If you have any questions, contact us today for more information regarding repairing home appliances.

Best Ideas for How to Get Your Dishes Cleaner than Ever

Best Ideas for How to Get Your Dishes Cleaner than Ever

Tips for Giving You Cleaner Dishes

Have you ever been in a situation where you run the dishes through the dishwasher and they still come out dirty? Was it the dish soap that didn’t clean the dishes properly, or was the cycle wrong? It very well could be a combination of things that lead to the fact that the dishes still came out dirty.

What more can be done?

Here are some tips for you to consider the next time you run your dishes through the dishwasher to ensure that they come out spotless:

Clean Your Dishwasher

Not many people know when to clean their dishwasher, let alone how to clean it properly. Luckily, it is not a difficult task. Once a month, make it a point to check the filter inside the dishwasher and clear out any food and debris that could be stuck inside it. It’s easy to forget to wipe down places like door seals, spray arms, and other hard-to-reach areas to clean it before running your dishwasher. After wiping it down, run the dishwasher on the hottest setting and place a cup full of white vinegar on the top rack. The vinegar is a great deodorizer and disinfectant, and it’s also safe to use for places that come in contact with food. In addition, many people find that using a rinse aid (most dishwashers have a dispenser you can fill) really helps to get their dishes extra clean.

Make Sure to Fill Your Dishwasher Correctly

To ensure that your machine is working at its maximum efficiency, you have to make sure you’re filling it up to the right level. If it is loaded too full, there will not be enough detergent or water to be able to thoroughly clean your dishes. Not only that, but when dishes are over-packed, they will overlap too much for water to be able to reach all the places on each dish.

Upgrade or Maintain Your Dishwasher

It is important to make sure that your dishwasher is up to date and possesses the most recent technology. Older dishwashers will not have the soil-sensing technology like newer machines do, and this will result in spray jets that aren’t powerful enough to get tough stains off of dishes. It is also important that your dishwasher is maintained or serviced regularly. When looking for professionals for dishwasher maintenance, make sure you find a reputable company Absolute Appliances Repair that can perform proper maintenance on it every so often.

Quit Handwashing

The only dishes you should wash by hand are dishes that are too delicate for the dishwasher. This is because in order to completely sanitize dishes, they have to be washed in water that is 120 degrees Fahrenheit, which is too hot for anybody to run their hands under. It is also believed that rinsing dishes before running them in a dishwasher will result in cleaner dishes. This is, in fact, false. Dishwashers already do a great job rinsing dishes, so all you need to worry about is preventing scraps from food getting into the dishwasher.

Load Your Dishwasher Correctly

A common mistake when people load their dishwasher is, they put anything anywhere it fits. It is important to make sure that when you are loading your machine you do not obstruct flow of water to other areas. This means try not to place larger dishes in a way that will prevent smaller dishes next to or around it from being reached by water.

One of the most frustrating things is when you run dishes through the washer and they still come out dirty. Following the steps above can lower your chances of having to worry about the cleanliness of your dishes. This will help save time, energy, and money later on. If your dishwasher needs repairs, finding appliance repair in San Rafael is no difficult task – our experts can perform the services you need and have years of experience doing so.

Contact us for more information or questions you may have about your appliances – we can help!

Best Compact Washers and Dryers for Small Spaces in 2019

Best Compact Washers and Dryers for Small Spaces in 2019

The Benefits of Compact Washers and Dryers

In this day and age, you can never have enough space. Whether you live in a house or an apartment, the issue of not having enough free space can be troublesome. There are a few ways to minimize the amount of space certain appliances take up, like washers and dryers. Instead of having two large, separate machines in your laundry space, you could have a single unit. Compact washers and dryers are becoming more and more popular in homes in the U.S. as well as across Europe.

You may be wondering: Why should I purchase a compact washer and dryer?

Along with the benefit of more space, compact washers and dryers are a great option when you’re wanting to keep your laundry facilities hidden, such as in a space under a kitchen counter, for example. This is what many modern homes have nowadays, and compact washers and dryers are perfect for it. They’re also great if you’re trying to replace a 70s-style all-in-one-laundry center. There are plenty of reasons to switch to a compact washer and dryer, but it is important to know the different types so you can pick the one that best fits your home and your laundry needs. Following are some of the best compact washers and dryers for 2019.

LG Compact Laundry

Along with having a great washing performance, the LG WM1388HW uses tag-on technology that allows you to download different washing cycles to your phone and install them on your washer. This means that you will have more options regarding different cycles for every type of soiling and fabric. This washer has a stackable dryer option, the LG DLEC888W Compact Ventless Condensing Dryer. This comes with all the same smart technology features as the washer, and even has a “sensor dry” option which can determine if the clothes are completely dry.

Samsung Compact Laundry

The Samsung WW22K6800AW uses innovative features like steam power to ensure that your clothes come out stain free. With eight washing power options to choose from and 14 wash cycles, this Samsung unit is widely praised for its effectiveness. The unit is also credited for have little noise or vibration, due to a new Samsung feature. Along with having smart features, the Samsung washer can clean itself and get rid of bacteria to ensure cleaner laundry. The dryer that commonly accompanies the WW22K6800AW is the Samsung DV22K6800EW. This dryer uses sensor-drying technology to make sure your clothes are not under or over dried. This unit is also an electric dryer with a vent. Most compact dryers do not have a vent so this one is a rare gem.

Asko Compact Washer and Dryer

This Scandinavian company is about making life better and easier, and their products reflect that. Their W2084W washer uses eco-friendly technologies that give you the best results when it comes to cleaning your laundry. You have three different modes to choose from with this machine: green, intensive, and normal. Being quickly and easily adjustable, you can decide to be environmentally efficient or intense. The counterpart is the T208VW compact vented dryer, which offers energy saving programs along with shorter drying times. To protect the tumble dryer and condenser from lint, this unit comes equipped with a front filter. With this unit you won’t have to worry about noise. Using a design with six ball bearings allows the dryer to be incredibly smooth as it operates which reduces noise.

Fisher & Paykel

The WH2424F1 uses steam to get rid of stains and FabricSmart technology to strengthen your clothes. SmartDrive technology prevents the unit from making lots of noise. This washer offers a Woolmark cycle to ensure your wool laundry are cleaned safely without damaging them. The DE4024P1 stackable dryer offers unique energy saving techniques to ensure your clothes are dry and it prevents energy waste.

GE Compact Washer and Dryer

The GFW148SSLWW washer offers 14 wash cycles, making it process the largest capacity among all the other GE compact washers. A unique feature for this dryer is the “My Cycle” feature. This allows you to save the settings you put your clothes on (like temperature, intensity, and adjusted time) and you can use that cycle later with the touch of a button. The steam function of the washer gets ride of tough stains that are deep within the fabric, without damaging the article of clothing. The GE GFT14ESSLWW dryer is electric, compact, and ventless. Equipped with HE Sensor Drying, this unit will not over- or under-dry your laundry.

There are many different compact washers and dryers to choose from. Knowing what you’re looking for is the first step when searching for compact machines. Saving space and energy are both possible with compact washers and dryers, and with the many options out there, it is easy to find the perfect fit for you.

If you’re looking for new compact washers and dryers or you need dryer repair in SF, contact us today with any questions/issues you may have. We can help!

Are Steam Ovens Worth the Investment?

Are Steam Ovens Worth the Investment?

What Makes a Steam Oven So Beneficial?

Though the concept of steam cooking has been around for many years, steam ovens are just now gaining quite a bit of popularity. Today it is all about how you can prepare healthier meals to eat that don’t take ages to cook, and with a steam oven it has never been easier. Whether you’re looking to replace the oven you have now or if you are renovating your kitchen, steam ovens are a wonderful choice.

You may be wondering: What are steam ovens?

The visual aspects of steam ovens are quite similar to regular ovens that you would see in homes. Instead of using a heating element, however, a steam oven uses water. The water is brought to 212 degrees Fahrenheit, which is the temperature at which water turns to steam), resulting in a moist heat entering the oven. Since the primary source of heat in this oven comes from water, it can heat the food quicker at 212 degrees than an oven at 400 degrees. This is because water is a better conductor of heat than air. Following is everything you need to know about steam ovens to ensure you get the right one to suit your cooking needs.

Will my food come out crispy and browned?

One of the snags a steam oven has is that due to the low cooking temperature, you will not be able to expect food to come out crispy. Browning happens at temperatures around 300 degrees and over. For dishes that don’t require meat, this may be acceptable. However, if you want to cook chicken, there may be a lack of texture and overall flavor.

This is where convection steam ovens come in. Manufacturers are offering ovens that combine steam ovens and traditional heating elements. This gives an end result of moist food with an exterior that is crispy. The best part? You can choose whether you want to cook solely with steam or convection.

Where does the water supply for a steam oven come from?

There are two options your can choose from to determine where your steam oven gets its water: either a plumbed water line that goes directly to the unit or a refillable water reservoir. If you are designing a new kitchen, it is recommended to use the plumbing option because this way you do not have to worry about refilling the water tank.

What are the benefits of cooking with steam?

1. Better reheating results than microwaves

Reheating your leftovers with steam can ensure your food is heated evenly, which will prevent it from drying out.

2. Healthier, more nutritious food

With traditional ovens, cooking at high temperatures can destroy essential nutrients like folate and vitamin c, due to them being heat sensitive. Using steam can help retain these nutrients.

3. Save time on preheating and cooking

Due to the cavity of a steam oven being smaller than a traditional oven, preheating takes little time. Due to water being a better conductor of heat than air, cooking also takes less time.

4. No need to use fatty oils

Due to steam providing a natural, moist cooking atmosphere, the use of oils and cooking spray is not necessary with steam ovens. This results in healthier foods with lower calories.

What types of food can I cook in a convection steam oven?

Although steam cooking is often thought of for only dishes like vegetables, there is a variety of foods that you can make in a fast, healthy way. Steam ovens come equipped with many different settings that are for different types of food. There is convection mode, steam only, slow roast mode, and gourmet mode. Here are some things you can cook using a convection steam oven:

  • Baking: chocolate chip cookies, pita bread, dinner rolls, pizza
  • Dessert: bread pudding, cheesecake, chocolate souffle
  • Meats: roast chicken, slow-cooked pork ribs, poached fish, beef tenderloin
  • Defrost/reheat: pizza, casseroles, bread
  • Vegetables: Potato salad, steamed veggies, scalloped potatoes

The potential that comes with steam ovens is incredible. With modern technology, these ovens can deliver food that has never tasted better. With convection steam ovens you can get the best of both worlds a crispy exterior and moist interior. With steam ovens you are able to enjoy food that is quicker to make and healthier for you.

If you’re looking for a new oven or oven repair in SF, contact us today with any questions/issues you may have with your appliance.

Freestanding vs Slide-In Ranges – What’s the Best Choice for You?

Freestanding vs Slide-In Ranges – What’s the Best Choice for You?

How to Find The Perfect Stovetop

If you’re looking for cooktop repair in SF or just a new stovetop, and you have a slide-in range or a freestanding range, it may help you choose the right service for the job if you know some differences between the two. Being aware of and understanding these differences will ensure that your money and time will be well spent!

You might be asking: Why does it matter?

Getting the wrong kind of range could prevent it from being installed properly and you could not be able to use it. Not to mention you might not be able to fit the range in its appropriate space at all because of your cabinetry. At the same token, hiring a professional who is anticipating working on one type of range, only to come to your home and find another type, could mean he or she will not be prepared to satisfactorily complete the job.

Slide-In Range

Slide-in ranges are great for kitchens with plenty of space. This type features the controls for your burners and oven out in the front. To form a built-in look, the slide-in range is wider on top to overlap the countertop. This overlap prevents food and or crumbs from seeping into the space between the stove and the counter.  These ranges have unfinished sides, which means they have to be installed in-between two cabinets. For those who want to showcase their backsplash, there is no back guard blocking the space! Here are some brands that make slide-in ranges:

  • Bosch
  • Frigidaire
  • Samsung

Freestanding Range

If compact is what you’re going for, the freestanding range might be more of your forte. These stovetops have burner and oven controls on a back guard, unlike the Slide-in range that has these knobs on the front of the appliance. Another difference in the freestanding range is that the sides are finished. This results in flexibility – where slide-in ranges do not install with the sides exposed, the freestanding range does – this means it can be installed anywhere in the kitchen.  Prices for freestanding ranges are much cheaper than slide-ins, by as much as $500 or more. Here are some brands that manufacture freestanding ranges:

  • Maytag
  • LG
  • Samsung
  • Frigidaire
  • Whirlpool
  • GE Appliances

Knowing the type of stove top you’re looking for can save you time and money. You won’t have to worry about buying the wrong one and then having to stress about the returning process. No matter the type of range you have in your home, if your range needs repairing, our services for cooktop repair in SF cater to them both!

The efficiency at which your appliances are working is a top priority. Most of everything we do in our lives concerns them one way or another. When they aren’t working properly, it is crucial to identify the problem and execute the necessary actions to fix it.

To find out more information regarding the restoration of your range or any other appliances, contact us today!

5 Must-Have Safety Features for Kitchens If You Have Children

5 Must-Have Safety Features for Kitchens If You Have Children

It is often said that the kitchen is the heart of the home. But no matter where you live, what culture you spring from, or what family lifestyle you choose, you’ll find that just about everyone loves to hang around the kitchen. For this reason exactly, it’s important to consider “child-proofing” this space. When you have small children, there are many dangers that are lurking around every corner. It’s important that as a parent, you keep your home as safe as possible, and that means that it is necessary to take precautions when allowing your little ones to cross that sacred threshold and enter the kitchen.


Install a Sprinkler System

Commercial kitchens are all equipped with a sprinkler system that will automatically activate in case of a fire, but few homeowners actually think about this added feature. However, even an older kitchen can benefit from having a sprinkler system installed or keeping a fire extinguisher handy. Because food preparation often involves oils and heats, the dangers of fires are quite high. Taking this type of preventive measures can help keep your whole household safe.


Install Child-Lock Safety Features

Children have a natural curiosity about them. This could put them at a higher risk as they roam around, touching hot surfaces, or experimenting with sharp edges of knives and other kitchen gadgets. Parents can easily put their mind at ease by blocking access to these different types of equipment with handy child safety locks. These can be installed on doors, drawers, cabinets, etc. to restrict access to any gadgets or devices that could cause harm to a curious child.


Slip Resistant Floors

Tiles can be very beautiful on the floor, but it can also be quite slippery, which often lead to falls and accidents. When you know that you’re going to have young children underfoot, consider other slip resistant materials instead. Cork, wood, rubber, or slate are good choices. If you’re not ready to lay a new kitchen floor, consider getting rubber mats to lay down in the area in front of the sink where water might drip or splash. These can also prevent accidental breakage of glass that can easily slip and fall out of wet hands. Broken shards can lead to cuts and scratches that have the potential of being quite severe.


Keep Knives Out of Reach

One of the most common tools used in the kitchen is the knife. These can quickly cause major cuts and injuries if you’re not careful. Even adults have suffered from severe injury simply because they didn’t take proper precautions. Getting a knife block to store your knives keeps them from being kept in a drawer where you could reach in and cut yourself on the sharp edges.

When it comes to children, no matter how much you plan, there is always a reason to exercise additional caution. In the kitchen, your little ones are exposed to many more hazards that can be found in other parts of the house. For that reason, it is very important that you always be on the lookout for ways to lower the risks of allowing young children into the kitchen.


For all of your appliance repair needs in Marin County, Absolute Appliances Repair has you covered; give us a call (415) 388-0690 at our Marin County location today.

Downdraft Vs. Vent Hood - Which One is For You?

Downdraft Vs. Vent Hood – Which One is For You?

While it’s true that cooking can fill your entire home with fantastic, tempting smells and flavorful visions of glorious meals, using that cooktop without proper ventilation can also stress surfaces, create heat, fumes, smoke, and bad odors, and can damage surfaces in the kitchen. The answer is effective kitchen ventilation to increase comfort, keep things clean, and keep indoor air quality at a healthy level.

Many people are already familiar with traditional vent hoods – but there is a newer type of ventilation available now that uses down drafts instead of updrafts to help remove particles from the cooking area. Which one is right for you?

Vent Hood Ventilation: The Pros and Cons

The most common option for kitchen ventilation is the hood fan, which uses updraft ventilation. The hood fan is mounted directly above the cooktop or stovetop area and is designed to pull grease, steam, smoke, and vapors from the stove top up through a filtration system, then either through a duct system to the outdoors or back into the kitchen.

The pros of using updraft hood vans are that they are more effective than downdraft ventilation, and there are many innovative designs available today that offer many great low-profile options. Some of them are even designed to turn on automatically when cooking begins and temperature increases.

There are a couple of cons to opting for this type of ventilation: The first is that they are more difficult to install than downdraft systems, and the second is that they are visible at all times.

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Downdraft Kitchen Ventilation

Downdraft systems are integrated right into the cooktops and are positioned behind burner areas. The vents stay hidden and can usually rise to a height of at least 10 inches when in use. When cooking is finished, the system can be lowered back down into its base. Oftentimes, this type of ventilation is used with islands and other areas where a hood fan just isn’t very practical or possible.

The good points of this type of ventilation system are that they offer a clean design and can be tucked away to not disrupt the flow of the smooth look of a modern kitchen. There is no ductwork needed either, and they are really pretty easy to install.

Drawbacks to using a downdraft kitchen ventilation system include a lower efficiency at drawing steam from taller pots and pans that may be used, and they are overall less effective than a hood fan. In addition, some of them may interfere with gas cooktop flames.

Each type of ventilation system for kitchens has its share of pros and cons, so you’ll want to consider a few things carefully before you choose which one you’ll be going with. What type of range or cooktop do you have? What is the size of your range? Consider the distance that air will need to be moved and if you decide on a hood fan, be sure that it is as wide as your range and as deep as the design of your kitchen space will allow. No matter which type of ventilation you choose, count on appliance repair in San Francisco for all your appliance maintenance and repair needs!

No matter which type you end up choosing, we can help you with repair and maintenance services you need for kitchen ventilation. Contact our experts today for all your kitchen appliance repair and maintenance needs!