
How Hot Summer Temperatures Can Affect Your Freezer and Refrigerator

Protect Your Fridge from Excess Heat with Proper Insulation

Temperatures are rising all over the country, which means your refrigerator has to work that much harder to keep your food cool. The icebox will likely be the only cold place in your home when temperatures are above 100 degrees Fahrenheit but hanging out with the refrigerator door open is a waste of electricity. You are exposing your food to a wave of hot air every time you open the fridge. Learn how hot weather can affect your refrigerator and what you can to minimize the effects.

Refrigerator Trouble in the Summer

It’s not uncommon for homeowners to run into trouble with their refrigerators in the summer. We tend to get a lot more calls about broken-down refrigerators during June and July compared to the rest of the year. When the temperature outside your refrigerator rises, your appliance has to go into overdrive to keep your food fresh and cool. You can always blast the air conditioning to reduce the surrounding air temperature, but this will have a dramatic effect on your utility bills.

If the air gets too warm, your fridge may be unable to keep your food a certain temperature, leaving you with spoiled meat, dairy, and vegetables. In other cases, your fridge may break down entirely if the motor stops running or the machine succumbs to general wear and tear.

How to Protect Your Fridge from Excess Heat

As summer sets in, do your refrigerator a favor by keeping it as clean as possible. Sweep the area around the unit, including along the wall, which probably hasn’t seen the light of day in years. Wipe down the inside and outside of the fridge with a food safe household disinfectant. Pay close attention to the vents and seals of the fridge. Crumbs and stains can prevent cold air from getting inside.

Keep your food inside sealed containers to reduce the chances of a spill. Avoid overloading your refrigerator to keep it from overheating.

Make sure your fridge has adequate ventilation, so it can take in fresh air. Keep it several inches away from the wall to increase air flow.

Inspect the gaskets and insulation on your fridge to make sure hot air can’t get inside when the door is closed. Put your hand over the outside of the unit and feel for cold air. If the temperature changes, your appliance may have a leak.

Your utility bills will also spike if there is a problem with your refrigerator. Most of us generally use more electricity in the summer, but a sudden increase could also mean your fridge is letting cold escape.

Summer can be hard on your refrigerator, so consider having an appliance repair professional inspect your unit before the worst of summer arrives. You may want to replace your insulation system before temperatures reach triple digits to avoid paying more in electricity. Avoid opening the freezer or fridge any more than necessary when it’s hot outside. Plan out everything you need for your meal in advance, so you can grab everything in one go.

If your refrigerator or freezer is giving you trouble, contact Absolute Appliance Repair in Marin County, CA to get help as soon as possible.